Mastering ROI Measurement for Account-Based Marketing

Explore the world of ABM, discuss its importance, and provide effective strategies for ROI measurement.

Choosing the Right ABM Platform for Your Business

ABM software is a game changer for businesses as it creates more engagement due to personalized content, automated outreach, and aligned sales.

A brief on B2B’s tailored solution—Account-Based Marketing 

In today’s digitally connected and always-on-the-go world, companies are ensuring to invest in top-notch marketing strategies to stand out different amidst the lot. 

They are out there to provide their customers with the best services — from hosting online and offline events to having impressively active social media accounts, they are doing it all. One such marketing technique that is the talk of the B2B town is Account-based Marketing (ABM), also known as key account marketing. ABM, as it is shortly called, is a combination of marketing and sales team expertise that provides tailored marketing. 

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?

A form of marketing that uses highly targeted, personalised campaigns to win over particular accounts is known as Account-Based Marketing. ABM or key account marketing is a marketing technique that uses the combined expertise of marketing and sales that focuses on the specific target group of accounts that requires customised marketing or something that is specifically designed for a particular brand or company. 

How does Account-Based Marketing work?

By focusing on a specific niche group of customers, Account-Based Marketing views each as a market of one and then targets, specific people at each targeted account. An ABM marketing technique targets a few high-value accounts with personalised content and messaging, unlike other B2B marketing campaigns that focus on the largest possible group of potential customers. 

Firstly, identify your high-value target accounts and then research those accounts. After this, develop customised marketing campaigns wherein you can run these campaigns to the target account. Finally, analyse, the data to see how your campaigns are performing. 

Benefits of Account-Based Marketing 

Who doesn’t like a tailored, well-curated item or activity under their belt? After all, customisation gives you the best and biggest advantage of selling more. 

In B2B, account-based marketing strategies can help you increase the worth of your existing customers. With ABM’s personalised approach and attention to detail, customers are easily drawn toward your brand and likely to allow you to specifically nurture your primary decision maker, along with all relevant prospects. It also structures your marketing efforts on key accounts to drive the most revenue. 

Moreover, with ABM, you can go deep, wherein you can design campaigns specifically for one account so that every touchpoint along the buyer’s journey is personalised. 

Also, ABM aligns Sales and marketing and encourages marketing teams and sales organisations to work together, identifying target accounts, and crafting customised campaigns for them. This way fewer resources are wasted because they narrowly focus on a small number of accounts that are most likely to close sales. This frees up resources that would previously have been wasted.


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Account Profiling: A map to building database and creating surplus sale 

Keeping the marketers ahead of their game, Account Profiling helps them understand their potential customers along with their specific requirements, thus providing value-added information to the marketers.

In the age of an ever-changing world, everyone likes to keep up with the pace of what is happening around them. Similarly, the brands in the B2B industry, too, want to stay ahead of the curve, and account profiling is something that would keep your company one step ahead.

Rather than wandering in the dark, account profiling helps you reach your desired destination, as it helps flesh out account profiles with accurate information.

What is Account Profiling?

Customer Account Profiling is a process to build a complete picture of every lead, customer, and account –customer-centricity. Account profiling gives you actionable insights about the prospects that will enable on to start meaningful conversations that resonate with their pain point.

How does Account Profiling in B2B work?

Account Profiling must include everything you know about an account. However, since most of the time, the needed information is missing, in-depth research is required. To do that, online research plays a primary role.

For instance, check out the company’s website, and profiles of the company and employees on LinkedIn. Checking if the company is making the news and how that may or may not impact the sales strategy, can also be an important aspect of account profiling.

After the diligent research process, you will have narrowed down who your key players are, their titles, contact information and roles in the buying decision. In short, Account Profiling is like a map for a marketer for how and when to approach an account with a solution when decision-makers are looking for answers.

Benefits of Account Profiling

Through account profiling, one can fetch more results than the other approaches out there. Knowing which businesses need to be focused on, a refined and accurate data list helps you generate more leads than any other technique.

Account profiling helps businesses with relevant information on key decision makers, the structure of a business, the process of decision-making, current vendors, and the prospects’ key initiatives to help you determine the business potential within an account.

Keeping marketers ahead of their game, account profiling helps them understand their potential customers along with their specific requirements, thus providing value-added information to the marketers.
With the help of account profiling, you can define the needs of the clients and the goals of the engagement. This way, you can fast-track the process of garnering potential business.


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