How to Improve Customer Retention With Intent Signals

Table of contents
1. What Is the Significance of Maintaining Customer Retention?
2. Three Ways to Use Intent Signals to Improve Customer Retention
2.1 Easily Identify At-risk Customers
2.2 Re-engage With Customers Shopping Competitors
2.3 Extend the Right Offer at the Right Time


Imagine yourself at the helm of a business, seeing to it that there’s an endless stream of customers that come in and leave. However, cultivating new customers entails a high degree of energy and dedication. Now, consider a powerful tool that could simplify this process: intent signals. Also, these signs are very blunt signals that are left by customers, providing data on what they like and how they behave. Using signals like website reviews and social media feedback is a subtle but powerful tool to build loyalty. In this article, we will examine how intent signals can be used to raise your customer retention strategies.


1. What Is the Significance of Maintaining Customer Retention?

Customer loyalty is one of the pillars of successful commerce and an asset in need of protection. It’s not only about attracting a customer base; it’s also about working with existing customers and offering a good service to make sure they like it. Picture this scenario: Let us picture your possibly favorite coffee shop in the area. You continually come back because you are attracted to the vibe, the coffee, and the employee friendliness. In the same way, businesses tend to create such experiences to attract subsequent customers.

It’s time to dig deep into why customer retention is the key. More importantly, solidifying old customer relationships can be a more cost-effective and efficient way of generating publicity than pursuing new ones. Picture that you have to ditch your reliable old bike every time it gets a flat tire and buy a new one—it won’t work and definitely it’s not eco-friendly.

Besides, repeat buyers (loyal customers) typically spend more money once in a while and are loyal to your brand to the last drop. They are similar to the lender who never fails to provide the dessert at the dinner party—they perennially and systematically contribute to the good. In addition, happy customers frequently turn into passionate advocates and tell their friends and family about positive word-of-mouth referrals.

To sum up, customer retention and return serve as the foundation of any successful enterprise. It is about making sure that the provider-client relationship is strong, the customer is satisfied, and brand loyalty is built. Returning customers are undoubtedly positive and shed light on the quality of service and products offered.


2. Three Ways to Use Intent Signals to Improve Customer Retention


2.1 Easily Identify At-risk Customers

Companies can analyze purchasing patterns and other real-time behavioral data to find customers with obvious signs of switching within minutes. These alerts could be a drop in the email response rate or someone accidentally unsubscribing from the service and seeking alternatives from competitors. Through early identification of these red flags, businesses can become active and provide the customers in question with tailored incentives or customized recommendations in an attempt to preserve them.


2.2 Re-engage With Customers Shopping Competitors

Customers seeing rivals’ products and services as a viable alternative is an opportunity for organizations to reconnect with them effectively. Businesses can connect with potential customers through intent signals such as searching for their name or reading reviews from other websites, and they can also reach out to them with a hassle-free offer and unique value proposition so that they can be persuaded to try out their product or service.


2.3 Extend the Right Offer at the Right Time

Timing is the key to all customer retention efforts. If a customer is in the final stages of purchasing but has not completed the transaction yet, recognizing the customer’s intent through signals gives businesses the chance to timely provide the customer with useful offers or discounts. Capitalizing on the right deal will help organizations build a browsing habit and persuade people to get back to them again. Hence, the purchase frequency will increase.



Intent signals are like little breadcrumbs customers drop on the way to achieving a higher engagement level and customer retention. Attending these signals and responding quickly and personally will help you keep your customers satisfied, loyal, and repeatedly choosing you. Thus, stay alert and observant of these signals, and they will be your way to success.


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B2B Marketers and their harmony with Conversational AI and Chatbots

Who doesn’t want an impromptu answer while you are looking for one, in a situation that demands a quick answer while you surf the world of the internet? Well, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, or what we call commonly called ‘AI’, it has made this very customer experience flawless, while we aimlessly surf the internet.

Today, online shopping and digital experiences have engulfed our lives tremendously, wherein customers expect instant answers if they are stuck anywhere in the process and those present at the right time with the right solution—win! Hence, when customers get accustomed to such a degree of instant gratification and customisation, especially when they are looking for it, it gives rise to an enterprise. Hence, Conversational AI in Marketing is becoming the trend, especially in the B2B sector.

Successful marketing campaigns with a constant inflow of customer behaviour intelligence help achieve marketing goals faster and more efficiently—for instance, by catering to real-time website visitors, and responding to a user who downloaded a whitepaper, among others.

What is Conversational AI Marketing?
Based on the art and science of customer behaviour, Conversational AI is a type of artificial intelligence platform where users can receive customer support, engage with sales, or enter a marketing funnel.

Marketers use Conversational AI in abundance due to its versatile nature, as it can be used on various social channels, website landing pages, and even your brand’s mobile app. This brings accessibility and personalised conversations to prospects and customers directly from your business.

Conversational AI carries on these functions with the help of machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU), and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). With the combination of such functions, conversational AI helps streamline questions and answer common and complex queries and objections to provide a superior customer experience.

Conversational AI Chatbots Vs Traditional Chatbots
With time and advancement, the way Conversational AI work, have changed. Traditional Chatbots is a rule-based software, wherein it is designed to automate recurring objections to answering frequently asked questions. They have been designed one-dimensionally, follow a workflow designed by organisations and are relatively easy to build. These aren’t fully equipped with the technology to provide the same information and therefore, do little to improve customer satisfaction.

While traditional Chatbots are one-dimensional, AI Chatbots do way more than just answer FAQs. An AI Chatbot allows customers to communicate with applications, websites, or devices in a more lucid manner, meaning, they converse more in the user’s language—which can be easily understood by sales agents to deliver an appropriate response.

Benefits of Conversational AI in B2B
Today, the more we speak of Conversational AI, the less it is. From our mobile phone devices to our home assistance, almost everything is a part of AI. Today, the B2B digital buying experience has been enhanced with AI as buyers and customers continue to show a preference for self-guided interactions at each stage of their journeys.

Whether buyer, customer, or employee, the ability to reach, engage and enable empowered B2B audiences means something different to every firm based on what they offer, how buyers buy, how customers adopt the solution and the engagement rate post-sale.

According to Forbes’s The State Of Conversation Automation Technology In B2B Marketing report, “More than half of demand and ABM marketers use conversation automation in the tactic mix. Fifty-eight per cent of demand and account-based marketers are leveraging conversation automation technologies, with 43% planning to increase or significantly increase the budget for an online chat as a conversational delivery mechanism.”

One of the major benefits of Chatbots in B2B is promptness. Being automated, bots can respond to customer queries within seconds. There is no limit to the number of questions you can ask, and you will get an answer right away. This automatically heightens the user experience of the buyer.

It is time-saving as it provides a shorter sales cycle. With AI, almost everything is answered in the chat itself, whether it’s signing up, taking a survey or even making payments. So much can be just within minutes saving time and effort for the sales team.

Several clients can be managed at the same time with AI in place. Whether you have a small or large sales/support team, they can handle multiple clients at once regardless of how long each client’s conversation might be.


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